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We Help You Find Relief for Your Allergies

Allergies, allergic rhinitis, asthma, sinusitis, and bronchitis are much more common than most people realize. Individuals burdened by these conditions live a frustrating and greatly reduced quality of life.

Our ENT specialists at ENT Consultants of East Tennessee focus a lot of our attention on determining the primary cause of each case in order to explore and develop the best course of allergy treatment to fit the unique needs of our patients.

If you struggle with allergies we are here to provide education about your condition as well as relief. Through a comprehensive process of allergy testing, we will be able to tailor your treatment specifically to your unique situation.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies at ENT Consultants of East Tennessee

Common Types of Allergies and Symptoms

Allergies, or allergic reactions, are characterized by an overreaction of your body’s immune system to a foreign substance referred to as an allergen. The routes of allergen exposure include inhalation, contact, ingestion, and injection.

Pollen Allergies

The inhalation of certain types of pollen causes seasonal allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, which leads to inflammation of the lining of your nose and the protective tissue of your eyes (conjunctiva). Common symptoms include sneezing, congestion (stuffiness), and itchy, watery eyes, nose, and mouth, but some people experience more serious symptoms like wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.

Avoiding pollen during those times of the year when pollen counts are high is among the common ways of reducing symptoms. Over-the-counter and prescription oral antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, nasal steroids, nasal antihistamines, and nasal cromolyn are among the allergy treatment options for pollen allergies.

Dust Mite Allergies

Another allergy caused by inhalation, dust mite allergies come from the fibers of pillows, mattresses, carpet, and upholstery. These tiny organisms reproduce in warm, humid areas and cause symptoms very similar to those included in pollen allergies.

Dust mite covers (encasements) on pillows, mattresses, and box springs as well as frequent vacuuming of affected areas with a high-efficiency filter helps eliminate dust mite allergy issues. Various medications used to control nasal, eye, and chest symptoms are common methods of treatment for dust mite allergies.

Mold Allergies

When molds or tiny fungi (like Penicillium) with spores are inhaled, they trigger mold allergies. Mold is usually in damp indoor areas like your basement, kitchen, or bathroom, or in grass, piles of leaves, hay, mulch, and mushrooms, and their peak of reproduction is common during hot, humid seasons.

Controlling mold production by reducing dampness using a dehumidifier and paying close attention to cleaning as well as repairing water line leaks are all preventive measures. Since the symptoms of mold allergies are very similar to other inhaled allergies, affecting the nose and eyes, the same types of medications are typically used to provide symptom relief.

Animal Dander Allergies

The inhalation of proteins secreted by the sweat glands of animal skin or their saliva, which are shed in dander can also cause allergic reactions. Removing pets from your home in extreme cases might be necessary, but other preventive measures include not allowing your pet in your bed/bedroom, HEPA filtration air cleaners, and frequent pet bathing.

Symptoms typically include the same issues in the eyes, nose, throat, and chest, which can be reduced through the use of over-the-counter and prescription oral antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, nasal steroids, nasal antihistamines, and nasal cromolyn.

Medicinal Allergies

Medicinal allergies can be included in inhaled, consumed, contact or injection routes of delivery, depending on how the medication is administered. Reactions can be as mild as a skin rash, sneezing and congestion or as severe as difficulty breathing and/or swallowing and full anaphylaxis.

Awareness of which medications or combination of medicines lead to an allergic reaction is critical, requiring you to advise healthcare givers and emergency responders of your condition with a Medic Alert® bracelet are ways to avoid and prevent medicinal allergies.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergies at ENT Consultants of East Tennessee

Our ENT experts are specially trained to diagnose and treat allergies of all types. Allergy treatment options typically include allergy drops, allergy shots, which are customized to deal with allergens unique to our region, as well as medical prescriptions.

Sublingual immunotherapy (allergy drops) for patients age 6 and up are a safe and effective alternative to traditional allergy shots we provide at ENT Consultants of East TN. Among the benefits of these drops is their capacity to be dispensed at home, an overall reduction or elimination of daily allergy symptoms and medications, and no more weekly trips to the doctor.

With cases involving ongoing or chronic allergic reactions, some of our patients are good candidates for balloon sinuplasty procedures in order to reduce sinus inflammation. Cases that require additional or alternative types of medical experts are often referred to other specialists such as a pulmonologist.

Our experts will run a series of both presumptive and non-presumptive allergy tests in order to best identify the moset effective treatment, specific to you.

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Schedule an Allergy Testing Consultation

Not only are allergies frustrating to deal with, but they reduce your quality of life and are potentially life-threatening if not identified and treated in a timely manner.

Ensure better health for yourself or your loved one by submitting the form in order to schedule an allergy testing consultation.

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